It is our expectation that:
- every child will wear correct school uniform at all times
- any uniform variations will be negotiated with the Principal
- every article of clothing to be named.
- uniform to be neat and clean; shoes to be clean
- students take good care of and have pride in their uniform.
- Runners may be worn at morning recess and lunchtime.
- Cover up clothes to be worn if children are playing on the ovals when the oval surface is muddy.
Please note that parents will be contacted in relation to incorrect uniform
School hats
Are a compulsory item of our school uniform for the students during Terms 1 and 4 and must be worn during all recesses and outdoor activities during these summer terms. School hats are available through the school shop.
The only jewellery permitted is a wristwatch and one pair of gold or silver plain studs or sleepers for pierced ear lobes.
Long hair is to be tied back. A plain maroon or navy hair tie, scrunchie or maroon or navy ribbons may be worn. Hair should always be neat and tidy. Shaving the head is not permitted. Unnatural hair colouring is not permitted.
Art Smock
Children wear long sleeved, knee length art smocks during art and craft activities.
Second Hand Uniform Shop
The Second Uniform Shop is located in the Administration building, you are welcome to visit the Unform Shop, please ask at the school office during office hours. The Second Hand Uniform Shop accepts cash or has EFTPOS facilities.