Staff Contacts

The staff at St. Francis Xavier Primary School are a hard-working, committed team.

To email a specific staff member, click on the appropriate name.

Staff Email Address
 Principal Mark Hogbin
Deputy Principal  (Learning Diversity)

Interim Deputy Principal  (Learning Enhancement)

Jayne Mohr

Jane Clark

Religious Education Leader / School Counsellor

Literacy Leader

Christine Meneely

Emma Egan

 The Administration Team Jodie Buttler

Anita Houlihan

Maureen McLean

Kerrie McTigue

Sue Shuttleworth

 The Foundation Team Lindy Harty

Gemma Johnson

Megan Mullane

Tom Willmott

 The Year 1 Team Estelle McLean

Jessie Simpson

Mikhaela Vranesic

 The Year 2 Team Rose Russell

Caitlin Keogh

Jacqui Stahl

 The Year 3 Team  

Stephanie Downey

Jess Van Gaans

Jesse Walsh

Rebecca Warr

The Year 4 Team Georgia Hudson

Michael Lawlor

Bianca O’Keefe

The Year 5 Team Cynthia Cook

Madelyn McMorrow

Julia Walker

The Year 6 Team Zoe Astbury

Petra Barclay

Michael Marshall

The Specialist Team Neville Down (Physical Education)

Jacinta Molloy (Visual Arts)

Olivia Hayward (Environmental Education)

Dan West (Performing Arts)

Christine Meneely (School Counsellor)

Elisha Martin (Intervention Teacher)

Chantelle Stacey (Auslan)

Jim Houlihan (Buildings and Maintenance)

The Teaching Support Team Nicole Arnel

Tom Bosworth

Kath Boyd

Liam Canny

Shaun Carroll

Maree Dodd

Jocelyn Goldsworthy

Andrea Grant

Leah Hanrahan

Karen Nunn

Tegan Moore

Zoe Polkinghorne

Angela Staley

Laura Stevens

Bianca Tocchet

Grace Turner

Brooke Van Hammond

Jacinta Waller

Alternatively, staff can be contacted via telephone on (03) 5331 6311 or  fax (03) 5331 8337